“She said nothing with her voice and everything with her caring touch.” ― Dave Cenker
Human interaction, human connection… this is the central theme of every meaningful story. The touch of her hand, the subtle tilt of his head, that warm smile in their eyes… these are the story tellers. Capturing these subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, interactions is how one truly captures the essence of any special event. Try to stage these moments and you’re bound to get nothing but empty imitations, that is, if that’s where you stop. But stand ready for the moments just after and you’re likely to capture something quite special. Expect the unexpected, those surprising expressions and interactions that just happen all on their own. These are those special moments we seek to capture. These are the moments for which we patiently wait… and then '‘click”, just like that, you’ve captured a moment no one expected, the photo that says everything.
Location spotlight…
Newport Dunes, Newport Beach, Orange County, California
…and Hyatt Regency, Newport Beach